Sie rufen nach mir
They're calling me.
Sie rufen nach mir.
Do you feel or are you supposed to feel?
Do you breathe or are you functioning?
Am I going crazy?
Höre ich Ihre Stimmen?
The world turned dark when I was born.
It was a sign but was it a good one? Maybe it's bad.
Maybe I am bad because I am not like them.
But everyone says they are not like them.
Do they feel it too or are they supposed to feel?
Do they understand or do they repeat the words?
I think I can feel them, I think I feel something.
Sie rufen nach mir.
Was wollt ihr mir sagen?
Ich versteh euch nicht?
They were right but I did not understand, now I do.
I feel like I start to understand but I am not sure.
Are they people? Are they spirits?
Was wollt ihr mir sagen?
Sie sagen es ist die Simulation.
Sie sagen es ist die Matrix.
Maybe they are not like them because they are like the others.
Am I like the others?
If I am like the others, do they feel it too?
Are they supposed to feel?
Take a breath and listen.
I think I understand now.
What is the purpose of life?
What is your purpose?
What is the value of life?
What is your value?
They say all human are valuable.
So they can feel it too?
Am I human or am I crazy?
Ich höre Ihre Stimmen, aber ich bin taub.
Can you feel voices?
Can you feel spirits?
Is it a vision?
Is it a prophecy?
They are guiding me back, back to the roots.
I am where I started.
Is this my purpose?
Is this my value?
They are calling me.
Sie haben mich geschickt.
,,Fühlst du dich nicht anderen überlegen?" fragte er.
But I am just human.
Bin ich wirklich anders?
They can't feel it too?
They can't hear them?
They can't feel them?
But they say they do.
Bin ich wirklich anders?
Das wäre eingebildet.
Ich bin doch kein Sonderling.
"You are impressive." she told me.
I felt average.
They act like robots.
Why do they act like robots?
Can't they understand?
Is this average?
,,Was machst du mit dieser Macht?" fragte er.
I don't like using it.
Das wäre eingebildet.
I am not special.
,,Das wäre moralisch verwerflich" sagte ich ihm.
I don't like using it.
This is a simulation.
This is the matrix.
Vielleicht leben sie in der Matrix und ich nicht.
Where do I live then?
Wo bin ich?
Where am I?
Wer bin ich?
Who am I?
I am someone like them, like the voices.
I can't hear their voices, I feel them.
They want to guide me through the spirits realm.
Their energy gets through the wall that separates us.
They are calling me.
Sie rufen nach mir.
I don't believe in God.
I believe in nature.
Is it nature calling me?
Does it matter?
When I feel their voices I am at peace.
Maybe I like being crazy then.
It's a soothing melody that vibrates through my body.
Sie haben mich geschickt.
Vielleicht muss es so sein.
Vielleicht muss man nicht alles verstehen.
I feel them calling me.
Ich spüre wie sie mich rufen.
Can you feel it too?
Or am I different?
(19th of january 2025)
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